“Rashev & Partners”
Law Firm
Sofia Bar Association
Sofia Bar Association
Sofia Bar Association
Sofia Bar Association
Bar Association of Plovdiv
Основите на Адвокатско дружество „Рашев и Партньори“ са положени през 1992 г. от адвокат Виктор Рашев. Философията на екипа ни се състои в изграждане на дългосрочни отношения с клиентите на дружеството. Предлагаме пълно правно обслужване на корпоративни и частни клиенти. Задълбочените познания и професионална експертиза на адвокатите в дружеството спомагат за успеха на вашите начинания.
In this ever changing world, a modern law firm is being developed on a daily basis, so the members of our team constantly enrich their knowledge in all branches of the law. We are motivated to enrich our knowledge, to develop our skills, and to keep track of all developments and amendments in current national and international legislation.
As new technologies enter fast into every day’s business and people’s lives, more and more businesses or private individuals need specialized advise in the field of innovations. “Rashev and Partners” Law Firm can boast as one of the pioneers in this branch of the law. We understand not only the legal aspects related to new technologies and IT law but also the business behind them.
“Rashev & Partners” Law Firm has rich scope of clients including private individuals, non-governmental organizations and business entities, whose main course of business includes commercial, industry, transport, construction and other economic activities. We have been chosen to serve their needs due to our professional expertise and knowledge in the spheres of commercial law, property and contractual law, transport law, administrative law, litigation procedures in commercial and administrative law and alternative dispute resolutions. Over the years, our team has gained sufficient experience in international transactions including merger and acquisition as well as international business transactions.